Delete Fixed Address operation

The Delete Fixed Address operation changes the fixed IPv4 or IPv6 address status from used to unused in the Infoblox NIOS application. The fixed IP address is deleted from the DHCP tab in the Infoblox NIOS application.

Adapter request elements for the Delete Fixed Address operation





Specifies the name of the operation: delete-fixed-address



Contains the following elements:

  • <host>
  • <user-name>
  • <password>
  • <timeout-secs>


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the host name (fully qualified domain name) or IP address of the Infoblox Grid Manager

Valid value: Any string


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the user name required to connect to the Infoblox Grid Manager

Valid value: Any string


  • Required if not specified in the configuration
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the password that corresponds to <user-name>

The <password> element can contain an encryption-type attribute (the Encryption Type field on the form in the form view) that specifies whether the password is encrypted.

Valid value for <password>: Any string

Valid values for encryption-type: base64, plain (default)


  • Required if not specified in the request
  • If specified in the configuration and request, the value in the request overrides the value in the configuration


Specifies the time, in seconds, after which the request expires

Valid values: Any integer

Default value: 60 seconds



Contains the elements required to execute the operation



Specifies the IPv4 or IPv6 fixed address that you want to delete

You can only specify a single fixed IP address in a request.



Specifies the network view in which the fixed address is located

If you do not specify a network view, then the adapter searches for the fixed address in all the views.



Specifies the date and time, in ISO 8601 extended format, at which you want to execute the operation

Example: 2008-10-21T10:56:00Z


Sample <items> XML for deleting a fixed address

            <password encryption-type="Base64">YWRtaW4=</password>

Sample adapter response for deleting a fixed address

        <os-id>Windows 2003</os-id>
            <command>perl "C:\BMC Software\AO\Server\7_6_02_01\CDP\server\grids\GRID1\library\adapters\implementations\bmc-adapter-infoblox-nios-actor_20.13.01.00_18\"  "" "admin" "infoblox" "ip-address:" "network-view:default"</command>
            <line index="1">Response Code:0</line>
            <line index="2">Response Description:Operation succeeded</line>
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