Troubleshooting the BMC Network Automation adapter

This topic provides information for troubleshooting issues specific to the BMC Atrium Orchestrator application adapter for BMC Network Automation.

Message: Java language binding generation failed, unable to find valid certification path to requested target.

Explanation: The adapter fails to install the certificate for the following reasons:

  • No port is specified in the SOAP URL.
  • Two or more adapters that use the Web Services adapter are enabled with automatic certificate installation elements set to true. The SSL handshake exception prevents the certificate from being loaded; as a result, the adapter stops responding.

User response: Use one of the following corrective actions:

  • Specify the port in the SOAP URL of the BMC Network Automation application.
  • Add <allow-unsigned-certificate>true</allow-unsigned-certificate> in the adapter configuration, if it is not already present.

Message: Java language binding generation failed. The Axis SOAP stack tool "WSDL2Java" failed to produce a Java language binding for the specified WSDL
Message: Java language binding generation failed. Summary: No subject alternative names present

Explanation: When you specify the IP address of the BMC Network Automation application server in the SOAP URL that uses the HTTPS protocol, the adapter tries to establish a secure connection with the BMC Network Automation application by using the specified IP address. However, for a secure connection, the SSL certificate is issued to a computer name and not the IP address.

User response: In the SOAP URL, instead of the IP address, specify the host name or computer name of the BMC Network Automation server, which is located at the top right corner of the application.

Message: Job not approved by Do External Approve operation

Explanation: If a job has the approver type set to any value other than remedy approval or other third-party integrated software, the Do External Approve operation does not approve the job.

User response: Install BMC Remedy AR System or the third-party application and integrate it with the BMC Network Automation application.


Explanation: The adapter response displays error instead of success for the Do Approve Job by Job Id operation. This is a vendor API issue. With BMC BladeLogic Network Automation version 5.4.1, when an already approved or executed job is reapproved by the Do Approve Job by Job Id operation or other approving operations, the adapter response displays error instead of success.

User response: You do not need to take any action. For BMC BladeLogic Network Automation versions earlier than 5.4.1, the responses for all the approval operations returned the following numeric values:

  • -1: Job not found
  • 0: No job approved (because it was already approved or does not need approval)
  • >1: Number of jobs approved (can be more than 1 if the Change ID or some other non-unique identifier is specified)

Message: Errors occurred while executing Custom Action job

Explanation: This was a vendor API issue and has been fixed in BMC BladeLogic Network Automation version

Message: Error occurred processing request data Summary: Failed to call a web service. Caused by: Summary: Validation errors occurred in job: Action #1: Action guid value does not refer to a valid action type.

Explanation: Starting with BMC BladeLogic Network Automation version 5.3.01, the <id> element changed to <guid>.

User response: Use the <guid> element instead of the <id> element.

Message: Execution not yet completed for job BCAN

Explanation: The Get Span Action Results operation can be executed only when the job status is completed.

User response: Execute the Get Span Action Results operation on completed jobs only.

Message: Unsigned certificates not supported

Explanation: The BMC Network Automation application does not support unsigned certificates.

User response: Starting with BMC Atrium Orchestrator 20.11.01, the <allow-unsigned-certificate> element specifies whether to allow unsigned certificates from trusted zones. Use this element only if you want to establish a secure connection with the BMC Network Automation application and want to allow an unsigned SSL certificate. If the server's certificate is signed, you do not need to use this element.

Message: Adapter request fails to execute

Explanation: The adapter requests fails to execute when the adapter is enabled for secure communication.

User response: Use the following procedure to debug an adapter request for secure communication:

  1. Ensure that the certificate issued by the BMC Network Automation server contains the host name and not the IP address.
  2. Ensure that the host name and not the IP address is specified in the <soap-url> element in the adapter configuration as follows:
    <soap-url>https:// hostName:portNumber </soap-url>

    The port number is required; specify it even if it is the default port (443).

  3. Restart the configuration distribution peer (CDP) services.
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