SSH adapter module

The SSH process issues a command on a remote SSH host using the SSH protocol. The following table describes the process inputs for the SSH process.

Terminal SSH process inputs




<adapter name>

Specifies the name of the adapter to use for this process

Default adapter: SSHAdapter



Identifies the target defined in the SSH adapter configuration (in Grid Manager)

If you do not specify a value for this input, the first node in the adapter configuration is used.


<host name>

Specifies the host name or the IP address of the remote host

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used


Specifies the port on which the remote host listens

This input applies to a dynamic target. Default value: 22


<user name>

Specifies the user name to use for login on the remote host

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used


Specifies the password that corresponds to the user name provided

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used

<password encryption type>

Specifies the method of encryption used for the password provided

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Valid values: Base64, Plain (default)


  • If the <password-encryption-type> element is Base64, provide a Base64-encoded value.
  • If the <password-encryption-type> element is Plain, provide a value in plain text.


<connection name>

Specifies the reference name for a persistent connection

This input applies to a persistent connection.

Conditional; required if a persistent connection is used

<terminate connection>

Indicates whether the SSH connection must be terminated

This input applies to a persistent connection.

Default value: false


<known hosts config>

Identifies the path to the local known_hosts file

This file is used when performing key verification. This input applies to a dynamic target.


<allow unknown hosts>

Indicates whether a connection must continue if key verification fails

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Valid values: true, false (default)

Note: With a value of true, the connection is maintained when connecting to an unknown or mismatched system. Else, the connection is dropped and the adapter response returns an error.


<preferred PK algorithm>

Specifies the preference of the algorithm used to encrypt the public key

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Valid values: ssh-dss, ssh-rsa (default)



Specifies an XML document that contains the commands in the request

The wrapper process does not check the XML syntax.



Specifies the string that specifies the commands and any arguments for the request

You might need to provide parameters other than the command type when using the wrapper parameters like target or prompts.

  • If you provide only the <command> parameter, a workflow generates from the other command inputs and executes: <command prompt="promplt1" ignore-exit-code="true">cmd1</command>
  • If you provide only the <commands> parameter, the workflow uses the provided commands in the following format:
    <command prompt="promplt1"ignore-exit-code="true">cmd1</command>
  • If you provide both, command and commands, the workflow executes the command provided by the user.


<command timeout>

Specifies the time, in seconds, allotted to complete the execution of the command

Default value: 60 seconds


<command encryption type>

Specifies the method of encryption used for the command value provided

Valid value: Base64, Plain (default)



Specifies the console prompt displayed when the system is waiting for a command



Specifies an XML document containing the prompts used to enable and interact with a device


<character set>

Specifies the name of the Character set used to encode or decode the characters

This input applies to a dynamic target and is required if a dynamic target is used.

For example, Shift_JIS supports the Japanese character set and Big5 supports the traditional Chinese character set.

Default value: ISO-8859-2


<establish connection timeout>

Specifies the timeout, in seconds, for the connection to be established on the target


The following table describes the process output parameter for the SSH process.

Terminal SSH process output



adapter response

Specifies the SSH adapter's response

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