Configuring the Telnet adapter

In addition to targets defined in the adapter configuration, the Telnet adapter can have dynamic targets defined in each adapter request. If a dynamic target is always defined in the Telnet adapter request, a configuration node, <config/> is used in the adapter configuration.

BMC recommends that you do not include unused elements in the adapter configuration because they might cause errors.

Adapter type: ro-adapter-telnet_20.15.02.00

Default adapter name: TelnetAdapter

To configure the Telnet adapter, see Configuring base adapters.

The following table describes the adapter configuration elements for the Telnet adapter that you can specify by using the form view, XML view, or both. You cannot use the form view to configure elements and attributes that do not have an entry in the "UI label" column.

Configuration node elements for the Telnet adapter

UI label






Specifies the host name or the IP address of the remote host

Note: You can specify an IPv6 address with a zone ID for the <target> element—for example, <target>fe80::20c:29ff:fe5d:38f0%eth0</target>.

To find the zone ID of the required computer, see Zone ID for an IPv6 address.

Conditional; required if you do not provide an empty configuration



Specifies the port on which the remote host listens

Note: When using the Telnet adapter in SSL mode, you can use port 992. Verify the environment settings before you specify the port number.

Default value: 23


User Name


Specifies the user name to be used for remote host authentication

Conditional; required, based on the requirements of your environment



Specifies the password that corresponds to the <user-name> element or that is used for remote host authentication

This element can contain an encryption-type attribute.

Conditional; required, based on the requirements of your environment

Encryption Type


Indicates whether the password specified is encrypted; is an attribute of the <password> element, not an element itself

Valid values: Base64, Plain (default)




Displays the console prompt when the system is waiting for a command

This prompt indicates the completion of command execution. It must be unique, not matching potential command output to prevent parsing issues.

Conditional; required if you do not provide an empty configuration

Timeout Secs


Specifies the time, in seconds, to wait for the expected prompt to be returned

If the expected prompt is not returned before the specified period has elapsed, an error message is returned.

Default value: 60 seconds


Enable Ssl Mode


Specifies whether to enable the SSL communication mode for the adapter

Valid values: true, false (default)

Note: During an SSL communication, the Telnet adapter does not validate the authenticity of the server's certificate.


Login Prompt


Displays the console prompt when the system is waiting for a user name

Default value: login:


Password Prompt


Displays the console prompt that is displayed when the system is waiting for a password
Default value: Password:

This element supports the following attributes:

  • use-default: With a value of true, the default password-prompt, Password, is used
  • num-password-prompt-occurrences: Allows you to specify a positive numeric value to indicate the number of prompts that will occur in the response when the user name is submitted
  • pre-prompt-command: Allows you to enter one or more commands, often carriage returns, before the user sees the prompt
  • pre-prompt-command-delay-secs: Specifies the delay, in seconds, prior to the invocation of the pre-prompt-command

    Default value: 60
  • trim-pre-prompt-command: Removes leading and trailing white spaces from the pre-prompt-command

    Valid values: true, false (default)


Verify Os


Determines whether the adapter must determine the target OS type soon after authentication is complete or a connection is established
Valid values: true (default), false

If the value of the <verify-os> element is true, the type of OS is verified and the exit codes are returned by the executed commands. Else, the type of OS is not verified and none of the commands executed return an exit code.


Character Set


Specifies the supporting CharSet

CharSet is also called Character Set that includes identifiers describing a series of universal characters.

Default value: ISO-8859-2


Read Buffer Size


Specifies the buffer size, in bytes, which will be used to read from I/O Streams

Default value: 1024


XML template of the Telnet adapter configuration

   <password encryption-type-""></password>

XML sample of the Telnet adapter configuration with multiple configs

           <config name="host1">
                  <password encryption-type-"Plain">pass</password>
           <config name="host2">
                  <password encryption-type-"Plain">pass</password>

XML sample of the Telnet adapter configuration with CharSet

  <password encryption-type-"Plain">test</password>

XML sample of the Telnet adapter configuration when SSL mode is enabled

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