Troubleshooting the Operations Manager 2007 adapter

This topic provides information for troubleshooting issues specific to BMC Atrium Orchestrator Application Adapter for Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007.

Message: AdapterManager: Unable to initialize adapter SCOMActor: Invalid OS type.

Explanation: This error message appears in the grid logs when the adapter is enabled on a peer that is installed on a computer that is not running Microsoft Windows.

User Response: Ensure that the adapter is enabled on a peer that is installed on a Windows computer.

Message: Cannot load Windows PowerShell snap-in Microsoft Enterprise Management Operations Manager Client because of the following error: No Windows PowerShell Snap-ins are available.

Explanation: This error message appears in the response and grid logs when an operation is executed on the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 application installed on a 64-bit Windows computer and the <target-64-bit> element is missing from the adapter configuration.

User Response: If the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 application is installed on a 64-bit Windows computer, ensure that <target-64-bit>true</target-64-bit> is present in the adapter configuration.

Message: Exit code indicates error. Attempting to connect to remote host.. Unable to connect to the remote host: No network provider accepted the given network path.

Explanation: This error message appears in the response and grid logs when an operation is executed with incorrect values for the adapter configuration elements.

User Response: Ensure that the values for all the configuration elements are correct. Also, ensure that the values specified for the <target>, <user-name>, <password>, <target-64-bit>, <scom-working-dir>, <scom-powershell-console-file>, and <is-console-file-remote> adapter configuration elements are correct.

Message: Remote application process ID: 14368. Failed to load Windows PowerShell console file.

Explanation: This error message appears in the response and grid logs when an operation is executed with an incorrect value for the <scom-powershell-console-file> configuration element.

User Response: Ensure that the <scom-powershell-console-file> adapter configuration element contains the correct path for the PowerShell console file. Also, ensure that the values specified for the <target>, <user-name>, <password>, <target-64-bit>, <scom-working-dir>, <scom-powershell-console-file>, and <is-console-file-remote> adapter configuration elements are correct.

Message: Exit code indicates error. Attempting to connect to remote host...Initialising rctrlx server component...

Explanation: This error message appears in the response and grid logs when an operation is executed with an incorrect value for the <scom-working-dir> configuration element.

User Response: Ensure that the <scom-working-dir> adapter configuration element contains a correct path for the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 working directory. Also, ensure that the values specified for the <target>, <user-name>, <password>, <target-64-bit>, <scom-working-dir>, <scom-powershell-console-file>, and <is-console-file-remote> adapter configuration elements are correct.

Message: AdapterManager: ADAPTER_MANAGER: error occurred updating adapter configuration for SCOMActor.. stopping adapter.

Explanation: This error message appears in grid logs when the value for the <is-console-file-remote> configuration element is incorrect. The adapter then moves to a fault state.

User Response: If the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 application and the peer are on the same computer, ensure that the value for the <is-console-file-remote> element is false. Otherwise, ensure that the value for the <is-console-file-remote> element is true.

Message: BaseMailMonitorAdapter : ::getFolder() Error :Connect failed. or folder not found or Unable to get initial count of messages on server.

Explanation: This error message appears in the grid logs of the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 monitor adapter when the value for the <target> configuration element is incorrect. In other words, an exception occurs when connecting to the mail server target.

User Response: Ensure that the <target> adapter configuration element contains the correct mail server target. Also, ensure that the values specified for the <port>, <user-name>, <password>, <javamail-debug>, <email-address>, and <protocol> adapter configuration elements are correct.

Message: MailMonitorAdapterConfig: Exception occurred in Adapter SCOM.

Explanation: This error message appears when the Microsoft System Center Operations Manager 2007 monitor adapter is enabled using an incorrect value for the <protocol> configuration element.

User Response: Ensure that the value of <protocol> configuration element is POP3. Also, ensure that the values specified for the <target>, <port>, <user-name>, <password>, <javamail-debug>, and <email-address> adapter configuration elements are correct.

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