JMS monitor adapter event

The following table describes the elements for JMS monitor adapter event.

JMS monitor adapter event elements




Contains the JMS message response


Specifies the queue or topic for the message


Contains the message header fields


Specifies the delivery mode for the message


Specifies the expiration time for the message


Specifies the priority of the message


Specifies the unique message identifier


Specifies the time-stamp of the message


Specifies the ID used to link one message with another


Specifies the string identifying the contents of the message


Specifies the destination name (name of the queue or topic) for sending a reply


Indicates whether a message has been resent


Specifies the character set used to decode characters for inbound encoded messages (only for ByteMessage type)

The value of this parameter is the same as that set in each queue/topic in the JMS Monitor adapter configuration <character-set> element.

Valid values: UTF-16, ISO-8859-1 (default), Shift_JIS


Contains the message body, in XML format


The following figure shows an XML sample for the JMS monitor adapter event.

XML sample of the JMS monitor adapter event

  <destination> the queue/topic </destination>
        <value type="Integer">string</value>
        <value type="Float">string</value>
           <name>Emp Name</name>
           <value type="String">Mr Bean.</value>
          <name>Emp id</name>
          <value type="Integer">1234</value>
          <name>Work Hours</name>
          <value type="Float">23.45</value>
     <text>First message</text>

To use the data from a monitor adapter event in the triggered process, a Job Input Parameter, inputevent must be created on the Start activity of the process. The <data> element from the monitor adapter event populates this input. For more information about creating rules, see Creating rules in the BMC Atrium Orchestrator Platform documentation. 

The following figure shows the XML sample response for the JMS monitor adapter event for BytesMessages type.

XML sample of the JMS monitor adapter event message response for Byte content type

    <JMSCorrelationID />
    <JMSReplyTo />
    <Bytes>Bytes message with charset UTF-16</Bytes>

The following figure shows the XML sample response for the JMS monitor adapter event for mixed content type.

XML sample of the JMS monitor adapter event message response for mixed content type

    <JMSCorrelationID />
    <JMSReplyTo />
        <name>Work hours</name>
        <value type="Float">38.87</value>
        <name>Emp id</name>
        <value type="Integer">31100</value>
        <name>Emp Nmae</name>
        <value type="String">Mr. Bean</value>

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