Append process-FTP adapter

The Append process appends the contents of a local file to an existing remote file. The following table describes the process inputs for the FTP adapter with the Append process.

FTP adapter Append process inputs




<adapter name>

Specifies the name of the adapter to use for this process

Default value: FTPActorAdapter



Identifies the target configured in the FTP adapter (in Grid Manager)

If you do not specify a value for this input, the first node in the adapter configuration is used.


<local file>

Specifies the file to be appended to a specified remote file


<remote file>

Specifies the remote file to which the local file is appended


<host name>

Specifies the host name or the IP address of the remote host

This input applies to a dynamic target

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used


Specifies the port on which the remote host listens

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Default value: 23


<user name>

Specifies the user name to be used for remote host authentication

This input applies to a dynamic target

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used


Specifies the password that corresponds with the user name provided

This input applies to a dynamic target

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used

<password encryption type>

Specifies the method of encryption used for the password provided

This input applies to a dynamic target.

Valid values: Base64, Plain (default)


  • If the <password-encryption-type> element is Base64, provide a Base64-encoded value.
  • If the <password-encryption-type> element is Plain, provide a value in plain text.

Conditional; required if a dynamic target is used

<character set>

Specifies the name of the Character set used to encode or decode the characters

This input applies to a dynamic target and is required if a dynamic target is used.
For example, Shift_JIS supports the Japanese character set and Big5 supports the traditional Chinese character set.

Default value: ISO-8859-2


The following table describes the process output parameter for the FTP adapter with the Append process.

FTP adapter append process output



<adapter response>

Specifies the FTP adapter's response

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